RFC 257 - Addressable Expressions

How to represent the expressions that can be used on the left hand side of assignments and mutations.

Addressable Expressions


Allow the Bramble compiler to support more than just identifiers as the LHS of mutation operations and the operand of @(const|mut) operations. Specifically, be able to use array elements and structure fields so that the following would be legal:

mut arr[0] := 5;
mut st.field := -1;
@const arr[0]
@const st.field
mut ^(@mut arr[0]) := 2;


(The term “Addressable” is inspired by the language used in the Go Lang spec).

The expressions which can be mutated or referenced with @ are expressions which have places somewhere in memory (the stack or the heap). These are called Addressable values. Without a place in memory, obviously, the expression cannot have its value changed or its address taken. Expressions which evaluate to a value are Value Expressions. All addressable expressions are also value expressions: in this case their value is read from their place in memory.

Whether an Addressable expression resolves to its address in memory or its value is context dependent: specifically, the operation and what operand position the expression takes. For example, the LHS of a mutation operation would resolve to an address, but the RHS of the same mutation operation would evaluate to an address.

I propose adding a new is_addressable flag to the SemanticContext of an expression. This will be added before type resolution. During type resolution, the compiler will not only check that the types are correct, but will also check if an operand is addressable for the operations which require addressable values.

In order to support mutation operations, an is_mutable flag will also have be added to the SemanticContext. Currently, this flag only exists in the symbol table for variables, but this cannot support dereference expressions or field access or array indexing expressions. The is_mutable flag will remain in the symbol table and a flag will be added to SemanticContext for mutability of addressable expressions.

The mutability and addressability of an expression will be combined into a single flag with 4 possible states: None|Value|Addressable|AddressableMutable. An expression can only be mutable if it is addressable, so having two separate flags creates risk of accidentally marking a value expression as mutable. None is used both as a place holder for when an expression has not had it’s Addressability computed and for nodes which are not expressions (structure defintions, etc).

A new phase ComputeAddressable will traverse the AST and set the addressability flag for every node in the AST, based upon a set of rules detailed in a following section.

Then in LLVM Generation, a new method will be added to Expression called to_addr -> Option<T>, which will return the address of an Addressable Expression, rather than its stored value, if the expression is addressable otherwise it will return None. This implementation is easily done by simply returning the pointer and skipping the build load operation.

Why this design? This design allows for determining whether expressions can be used for mutations and referencing in a way that is fully independent of the grammar rules or AST design. Which means both: no major refactoring or changes to the AST and no added bounds on how the grammar and AST could evolve into the future.

Why have this separate from type resolution? Type resolution is already large and complex, the danger is that addressability rules checking would get lost in all the type checking logic. Making it easy to break and hard to fix in the future. Having it as a separate step will make it more obvious that it occurs and easier to maintain and grow. It also is logically not the same thing as type checking.

Addressable Rules

All rules here assume that the expressions are of valid types for the operators (e.g. that in ^EXP, EXP is a raw pointer type). The type checking can happen after addressability is determined, because IDENTIFIERs are always addressable and the result of dereferencing operation must be addressable. Addressability can also be done after type checking, in which case it would be combined with checking that the operands for place operators are addressable.

All expressions are Value expressions unless they satisify the Addressable rules below. All other grammar rules are None.

X :- Addressable

X: EXPRESSION :- Addressable
(X) :- Addressable

X[I] :- Addressable

X.F :- Addressable

X: EXPRESSION :- Addressable
@(const|mut) X :- Addressable

T: Type, X: *(const|mut) T
^X :- Addressable

T: Type, X: *mut T
^X :- Mutable

T: Type, X: *(const|mut) T
X :- Addressable

X: EXPRESSION :- Addressable and Mutable, Y: Expression
mut X := Y :- Not Addressable

Array elements and structure fields are not de facto addressable. For example, foo().field, the function foo returns a structure and we access the field field. Within Bramble, we logically describe this as a value and not an addressable expression so it cannot be used for @ or mutations. (Even though, in the LLVM IR we generate we actually allocate space in the caller stack frame for the returned structure value, we still logically describe it as a value expression, this is because there is no label associated with it, so it would be hard for a user to mentally or visually track how the value is being used or mutated).



Add an enumeration that has the variants: None|Value|Addressable|AddressableMutable Add a field for this enumeration to SemanticContext with default value None.

Can I update canonize/foreach_mut to support POST order execution (as a configurable flag)? If so, then I think I can use that foreach for the traversal? Part of this would be updating foreach to do the Insight event recording too.

It might be easier to start out by adding this into type_resolver then move to its own stage?

Update the grammar rules so that any expression can be used on teh LHS for mutation and that any expression can be used as the operand for @(const|mut).


The only impact on UX will be greater flexibility in what can be mutated and referenced. So, this will move Bramble towards being more intuitive in that regard.


We should mark what expressions resolve to being addressable and what expressions resolve to being only value expressions. This can be done by merging the events generated by the addressability analysis with semantic node events via spans tests.

A new compiler stage will be added to the trace output stage set: Addressability. This stage will record the assignation of every span in the input source code with whether it is Addressable or not. For each node in the AST that is checked, this will emit an event with the result of the Addressability analysis.


  1. Test mutating an array element
  2. Test mutating a structure field
  3. Test referencing an array element
  4. Test referencing a field
  5. Test mutating a dereference (mut ^a := 5)
  6. Test mutating an integer => fails
  7. Test mutating (x+5) => fails
  8. Test (x)
  9. Test (x)[5].field, an array of structures
  10. Test (x.field)[5], field is an array
  11. Test ^x.field, field is a pointer
  12. test ^x.field[2], field is an array of pointers
  13. Test ^x[0] array of pointers
  14. Mix in combinations of ()

Last modified February 7, 2022: Add RFCs to the documentation site (5ab3587)