RFC 248 - Raw Pointers

How to represent raw pointers in Bramble

Design for Representing Addresses in Bramble

Note: I have used my rough understanding of how to state type rules in order to express the semantic rules for raw pointers. There may be mistakes in my statements due to lack of experience.


Within the Bramble language there is no representation of address based operations or pointers. This severely limits both what can be built with Bramble and the FFIs that Bramble can call. In order for Bramble to grow, there needs to be a representation of the most basic raw pointer concepts. These can then be used to build not only heap based allocations, but smart pointers, or garbage collectors, etc.


In this document is the design for how raw pointers will be represented in the Bramble language.


Being danger, the use of raw pointers should be both discouraged except in special cases (features which require raw pointers, FFI uses, and performance) and it should be immediately obvious to a reader that a raw pointer is being used. And the syntax of raw pointers should reflect this discouragement for writers and make raw pointer use obvious for readers.

So, any use of raw pointers should be obviously different from safer uses of reference values (e.g. Rust borrows, smart pointers, garbage collected pointers, etc). This leads to several design goals:

  1. Raw pointer types should be as explicit as possible when written down.
  2. Creating a raw pointer directly to a variable should be obviously different. (e.g. Rust uses the addr_of macro to just get the address and bypass any safety checks).
  3. Dereferences should also be obvious and explicit. Where dereferences of smarter reference types might be implicitly injected by the compiler, for raw pointers they must all be explicitly written.

This document lays out the language features for supporting raw pointers themselves. After this feature is implemented, then the next step is to implement something like unsafe blocks in C# and Rust to further push raw pointers to something that a user must “buy into” and to make them obvious to a reader.


  1. Immutability must be respected as far as it can possibly be guaranteed. It is impossible to guarantee it is respected on the other side of an FFI but within Bramble, if a variable is aquired as immutable then it is a compiler error for Bramble to ever allow it to be mutated.
  2. A raw pointer can be assigned either the address of a declared variable or the null value. It cannot be assigned an arbitrary integer.
  3. null is a keyword that can be assigned to or compared with all ref types.
  4. It is possible to get the address of any variable, no matter it’s type.
  5. Function pointers are not covered in this document
  6. The design should discourage their use to only when necessary.
  7. Raw pointers can be used on uninitialized memory. (Currently, Bramble does not allow for uninitialized variables but that will come in the future.)
  8. When a raw pointer is copied it’s value will be copied and there will now be at least two extant raw pointers to a location in memory.
  9. You can get the address of a field in a structure.
  10. with Raw pointers, you can have internal references: that is a field in a struct is a pointer to another field in the same struct.
  11. Comparisons compare addresses. Raw pointers are equal if and only if they point to the same location in memory or they are both null.
  12. There is a way to compute offsets from a raw pointer.
  13. There is a function for getting the size of a type. This is needed for custom memory allocation, computing offsets, etc.
  14. Comparison operators work on raw pointers. (<, >, <=, >=, ==, !=)



There are two parts to implementing raw pointers: the reference types, which describe variables that hold addresses, and the operators used to to create and use raw pointers.

Pointer Type

The type syntax is inspired from Rust:

Raw Pointer = *(const|mut) TYPE

Where Type is any primitive or valid custom type, including raw pointers. const and mut must be specified to help make raw pointers as explicit as possible and to discourage their use by making them tedious.

Reference Operators

There are two operators that are needed: one to get the reference and one to dereference a pointer so that a user can access the target variable.


LVALUE = [^]IDENTIFIER             // The formal labelling of the LVALUE is new to Bramble

Note: currently braid does not support mutations of fields in a struct. This proposal optimistically hopes that that language change can be fit in here. The LVALUE in Bramble needs to be greatly matured so it can support derefs, fields, array elements, and parens to control order of operations. The LVALUE presented here is still not complete but fully realizing it is outside the scope of this RFC.

The Reference and Dereference operators are unary operators with precedence higher than member access or array access operators.

The Reference operator can only be applied to identifiers or the fields of an identifier that’s a structure as those are the only constructs in Bramble that have physical locations in the computer. Literals, for example, have a location in the machine code data section but are not conceptually something that can be referenced. The reference operator explicitly requires const and mut so that it mirrors the syntax of the raw pointer type names.

@ is chosen as the addressing operator rather than the traditional & to make & available for future use with safer reference/borrowing systems. In C/C++ the & is used to get the address of a variable. In Rust & is used for both borrowing and raw pointers (in Rust the & is cast to a raw pointer and a separate macro must be used to explicitly get the address). For Bramble, I want all interactions with raw addresses/pointers to be as explicit and obvious as possible so the addresses are gotten with @. Then & will be used for safe references which will be what users are encouraged to use.

The @ operator can only be applied to lvalues (identifier or a specific field). This is because the raw pointer logically refers to a specific location in memory and all locations in memory are refered to via identifiers. This mirrors the syntactic rules of C, and is carried into Bramble both because it maps well to the core philosophies of Bramble and because it provides a very strict rule which makes implementation easier.

The Dereference operator is ^, which differs from other languages which use * to dereference pointers. This was chosen to to make the dereferencing of a raw pointer explicitly different from dereferencing safer references or smart pointers. The ^ will probably be used for bitwise xor when that operator is added to Bramble but I believe it will be clear which operator is being used by whether it is unary or binary.

Unlike the reference operator, the dereference operator can, syntactically, be applied to any expression. The requirement being that the expression resolve to a reference type. This is because dereferencing is operating on a value (the address) and the address is expected to have already come from a variable.

This makes using dereferenced identifiers legal as the left value in mutation statement.

Both the reference and dereference operator symbols were chosen to be uniquely applicable to raw pointers and distinct from future, safer, methods of handling references in Bramble (be those GC pointers, reference counters, or a lifetime system a la Rust). The priority here is given to clarity for the reader of code rather than efficiency for the writer.

Operator Precedence

  1. @ and ^ will have the same precedence as unary minus (-) and not (!)


Some notes, currently the following types and their uses are semantically legal:

x: i32, y: i32
1. *const *const i32
2. *mut *mut i32
3. ptr: *const *mut i32 :- mut ^^ptr := 5
4. *mut *const i32 :- mut ^ptr := @y

The latter two may seem unintuitive or that they should be illegal. Example 3 is legal because the outer *const refers to the location in memory that is storing the *mut i32, that pointer cannot be changed through indirect means, but because that pointer is an indirect mutable pointer, the location it points to (the i32) can be changed. Example 4 is legal, because the location that the outer pointer points to is mutable (it can be changed to point to a different i32) but the i32 that the inner pointer points to cannot be mutated.

It may make more sense to semantically have an occurance of a *const in a chain of nested pointers to override and turn the entire chain into *const.

Reference Operator

The reference operator can only be applied to an Identifier that is a variable in the current scope. The type of the reference expression is *const T where T is the type of the variable.

The mutable reference operator @mut can only be applied to a variable that is also mutable. The type of the mutable reference expression is *mut T.

mut and const are modifiers on the * reference type.

Deference Operator

T: Is a Type :- R: *(const|mut) T
:- ^R -> T

Mutating a dereference: If the raw pointer is to a mutable location (*mut T) then the value of that location can be mutated via the dereference operator;

let x: i64 := 1;
let mptr: *mut i64 := @mut x;
mut ^mptr := 5;

The type rules are:

mut ^R := V => T: Type :- R: *mut T, V: T

Dereferencing null or a variable whose value is null is undefined behavior.

Assignment Semantics

A variable of type *const T can be assigned a value of type *const T or a value of *mut T.

A variable of type *mut T can only be assigned a value of type *mut T.

let x: i64 := 5;
let mut y: i64 := 10;

let cptr_x: *const i64 := @const x;  // Legal
let cptr_y: *const i64 := @const y;  // Legal

let mptr_x: *mut i64 := @mut x; // Illegal, cannot get mutable address to an immutable variable
let mptr_y: *mut i64 := @mut y; // Legal

let mptr_x: *mut i64 := @const x; // Illegal, cannot get mutable address to an immutable variable
let mptr_y: *mut i64 := @const y; // Illegal, cannot cast a const location to a mutable pointer
Ref Type Variable Mutability

A variable of reference type (immutable and immutable) can itself be annotated as mutable: this means that the address stored in the variable can be mutated it has no bearing on if the location the address refers to can be mutated.

let x: i64 := 5;
let x2: i64 := 5;
let mut y: i64 := 10;
let mut y2: i64 := 10;

let mut cptr_x: *const := @const x;
let mut cptr_y: *mut := @mut y;

mut cptr_x := @const x2;     // Legal
mut cptr_y := @mut y2; // Legal 

Copying References

Copying: a mutable reference can be copied to a variable of type *const or *mut, so long as the underlying type is the same. An immutable reference can only be copied toa variable of type *const.


fn write_to(m: *mut i64) {...};
fn read_from(i: *const i64) {...};

let x: i64 := 5;
let mut y: i64 := 10;

let cptr_x: *const i64 := @const x;       // Legal
let cptr_y: *const i64 := @const y;       // Legal
let cptr_x2: *const i64 := cptr_x;  // Legal
let cptr_y2: *const i64 := cptr_y;  // Legal

let mptr_y: *mut i64 := @mut y; // Legal
let mptr_x: *mut i64 := @mut x; // Illegal, cannot get mutable address to an immutable variable
let mptr_x: *mut i64 := cptr_x; // Illegal, cannot get mutable address to an immutable variable

write_to(@mut y); // Legal
write_to(@const y);     // Illegal, type mismatch requires *mut i64 but `@x` has type *const i64
write_to(@mut x); // Illegal, @mut cannot be applied to an immutable variable

read_from(cptr_x); // Legal
read_from(cptr_y); // Legal
read_from(mptr_y); // Legal
read_from(@const x);     // Legal
read_from(@const y);     // Legal
read_from(@mut y); // Legal


Comparisons are done on the addresses stored in the reference variable. Mutable and immutable references can be compared with each other.


  • == - returns true if the LHS and RHS have the same address value, otherwise false.
  • != - returns true if the LHS and RHS have different address value, otherwise false.

Less Than/Greater Than

Comparison operators will operate on the numerical values of the addresses as if they were integer types.


A key part of raw pointers is being able to use them to move through large blocks of allocated memory: e.g. dynamic arrays and so on. On a semantic level this mirrors the array access operation [n] with the key difference being that and offset could be negative.

A similar, but visibly different operator is provided for getting offsets from a given raw pointer (which addresses the need for pointer arithmetic).

ptr<i64> // The <> operator takes a signed 64 bit integer and returns a new address

The offset operator will get an offset address in terms of multiples of the size of the underlying type. The address it will return computes as ptr value + size_of(T) * offset where T is the underlying type of the ptr.

So for a pointer to a i64, the size of the underying type is size_of(i64) = 8 and the offset will move in steps of 8: ptr<2> = ptr + 2 * 8 or ptr<-3> = ptr - 3 * 8.

The <> characters were chosen to make the pointer offset operation visually distinct from the array access operation while still sharing some resemblance because logically they operate in identical manners with the array access being more restrictive in its inputs (they must be unsigned).




T: Type :- R: *(const|mut) T
p: R, o: i64 :- p<o> -> R    // The offset of a *const is *const and the offset of a *mut is *mut

Alternative syntax: Use this as a binary operator: ~ e.g. ptr ~ -5. I don’t like this because it’s very subtle and with some fonts could be confused with -.

One reason to avoid using <...> is it’s a pain to implement in the parser. Perhaps $ or # as binary operators. The semantic rules for typing stay the same but it becomes easier to parse.


At the time of implementation, I’ve decided to use @ as a binary operator for raw pointer arithmetic. This is because all the other operators (e.g. <> and # and $) could have future uses, the @ is already associated with raw pointers, and this minimizes the amount of special characters which are devoted to raw pointer manipulation.

Member Access on Values of Reference Type

If a reference points to a structure then to access members of the structure you need to dereference the pointer first: *ptr.field or (*ptr).field. To dereference a field in a structure that is a reference: *(ptr.field_ptr).field or (*(ptr.field_ptr)).field.


The size_of function takes a type and returns the number of bytes allocated to store a type in memory. This takes into account padding bytes that might be added for memory alignment purposes.


SIZE_OF = size_of(TYPE)


:- size_of(T) -> u64

For simplicities sake, this is operating on the C notion of size where every type as a size. For primitive types with the bitsize in the name, the size of the type shall remain constant across all versions of Bramble and all platforms and architectures.


The insight should focus on the physical nature of pointers and addresses, as they represent the actual locations in memory and deal with interacting with those physical realizations of the logical variables. So, when possible the visualization and Insight should emphasize that link to the physical resource.

Recorded events: When the @ operator is applied to a variable then:

  1. The lexer will emit an event for the @ token
  2. The parser will emit an event for generating a @ unary node in the AST.
  3. The type resolver will emit an event which includes a reference span to the definition for whatever is the operand of @, because the declaration of that variable is also the aquisition of the physical memory.
  • If the operand is a field of a structure, then it will reference the declaration of that structure variable.
  • The reference type should probably be annotated to make it explicit that this is refering to the same physical location and not that it is using a reference for a compile time decision.
  1. LLVM will emit an event with the LLVM get address instruction.
  2. Record if the pointer is pointing to a type which is memory aligned
  3. When a pointer is bound to a Field in a struct, the node should display the field name. Have a reference to the span for the field’s definition.

When the * deref instruction is applied to an expression:

  1. The lexer will emit an event for the * token.
  2. The parser will emit an event for generating the * unary node in the AST.
  3. The type resolver will emit an event which includes a reference to the definition of where the operand comes from.

This is a bit outside the scope of this RFC, but because this is dealing with language features that surface the physical nature of how variables are stored:

It would be nice to record the memory layout information for all structs and display that in the LLVM tab for the Viewer. It would also be nice to have a compiler flag to print out memory layout table for all types after compilation.


Highlight the creation of raw pointers and the dereference of raw pointers in some manner to emphasize that something dangers is being done.

In this case, the Cell of an @ expression or a * expression will be will be colored a light orange as a warning sign.


Integration Tests

  1. Get Reference to each primitive type
  2. Get Reference to array
  3. Get Reference to structure
  4. Get reference to field in structure
  5. Get reference to element in array
  6. Get reference to reference
  7. Repeat all tests for mutable references
  8. Test passing a reference to a function
  9. Test passing a mutable reference to a function and function mutates value
  10. Return reference from function
  11. Test using malloc and free
  12. Copy struture with reference field => both copies point to the same value
  13. Test derefence of each of the Reference tests
  14. Test mutable dereference of each of the reference tests
  15. Reference to a mutable value, mutate the value, test that the reference reflects the mutation.
  16. test initializiing a reference to null
  17. Test comparing a reference to a null
  18. Test comparing two references compares addresses
  19. Get pointer to first element in the array, then use pointer arithmetic to move to each element of the array.



The const keyword will be added to the token set and the lexer.

A new Ref variant will be added to the Type enumeration. The Ref variant will have two fields. One field is_mutable boolean which is false for immutable references and true for mutable references. And a boxed value to the target type that the reference refers to.

The Parser will be updated to parse the ref type annotations according to this grammatical rule:

RefType = *(const|mut) <Type>

*const <Type> will set is_mutable to false and the target type to <Type>. *mut <Type> will set is_mutable to true and the target type to <Type>.

@ Operator

@ will be added to the Lexer and token set as Ampersand.

Two new variants will be added to the Expression enumeration: AddressOf and AddressOfMut.

The parser will follow these rules:

AddressOf = @<Identifier>
AddressOfMut = @mut <Identifier>

Semantic rules will be added of the form:

  1. For AddressOf the operand must be a variable. It can be immutable or mutable.
  2. For AddressOfMut the operand must be a mutable variable.

^ Operator

The ^ token already exists in the Lexer and token set.

A new unary rule will be added to the Parser:

DeRefAssignment = mut *EXPRESSION := EXPRESSION

A new variant will be added to the Expression enum. This variant will have a single child, which is the expression it is dereferencing. A new variant for mutations will be added for mutating a reference.

Semantic Rules will be added of the form

  1. For DeRefAssignment, the <Expression> on the LHS must be mutable reference.
  2. For *<Expression> in the LHS, the type of <Expression> must be a Reference type (mutable or immutable). If the type of <Expression> :- *(const|mut) T then the type of *<Expression> :- T


The size_of function will be implemented using the LLVM API and computed as a static value during compile-time.

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14608250/how-can-i-find-the-size-of-a-type https://llvm.org/doxygen/classllvm_1_1DataLayout.html#aa48b3b7e554b44f4e513d5dd8d9f9343

Syntactic Fuzzer Changes

  1. Add type annotations for *const T and *mut T. This should be able to use the same logic as arrays.
  2. Add expression generation for taking the reference of an identifier.
  3. Get a raw pointer to a field in a structure.
  4. Add a failure test by generating a reference operator where the operand is not an identifier.
  5. Add deref generation for expressions.
  6. Add deref mutation generation for statement generators.
  7. Compute raw pointer offsets
  8. Mutate dereference to a field name

Last modified February 10, 2022: Update RFC for raw pointer arithmetic (4961052)