Contribution Guidelines

How to contribute to Bramble and Thorn

Any contribution to the Bramble language is welcome.

Bramble is developed in the Rust programming language and is built on top of LLVM for its backend. If you wish to contribute, feel free to reach out through one of the contact options or download the repository from GitHub and play around with the language.

The Thorn Insight tools are developed with Rust and React (for any GUI tools).

Language Proposals

If you have any proposals for the language, add them as Enhancement issues on the GitHub repository. Include a brief description of what problem the proposal would solve and any examples or diagrams you believe necessary to help explain your idea.

Code Review

All submissions will require a code review. To submit a PR, please document the changes that were made, why they were made (with a link to an issue if one exists), along with a brief outline of how the changes were tested.


Bramble is always striving to be as thoroughly tested as possible, so please make sure to add or update any necessary tests for you changes. For any changes to the language or to LLVM output, make especially sure to check the integration test suite.

Last modified February 4, 2022: Clean up tags and categories (f638d93)